研究发现,成人脑神经元增长与改进听力和学习有关,挑战老观点。 Study finds adult brain neuron growth linked to improved listening and learning, challenging old views.
最近的一项研究表明,在成人大脑中形成的新神经元与倾听和口头学习技能相关联,挑战了以前对神经起源对人类的重要性的看法。 A recent study shows that new neurons formed in adult brains are linked to listening and verbal learning skills, challenging previous beliefs about the significance of neurogenesis in humans. 这种发现可能导致治疗增强老年人和患有癫痫和痴呆等神经系统障碍者的认知功能。 This discovery could lead to treatments enhancing cognitive functions for aging individuals and those with neurological disorders like epilepsy and dementia. 研究人员发起了临床试验,重点是通过有氧锻炼促进神经元生产,提高癫痫患者的认知能力。 Researchers initiated a clinical trial focusing on boosting neuron production and cognitive improvement in epilepsy patients through aerobic exercise.