研究人员绘制了老老鼠脑细胞变化图 指出了预防阿尔茨海默氏症的新方法 Researchers map brain cell changes in aging mice, pointing to new ways to prevent Alzheimer's.
艾伦研究所的科学家在小鼠中发现了特定的脑细胞类型,这些类型的细胞随着年龄而发生重大变化,特别是在低丘脑方面。 Scientists at the Allen Institute have discovered specific brain cell types in mice that significantly change with age, particularly in the hypothalamus. 这一区域显示神经元功能下降,发炎增加。 This area showed decreased neuron function and increased inflammation. 该研究在《自然》杂志上发表,绘制了120多万个脑细胞的地图,并可能导致新的饮食和治疗战略,以维持大脑健康,预防老年病等老年病。 The study, published in Nature, mapped over 1.2 million brain cells and could lead to new dietary and therapeutic strategies to maintain brain health and prevent age-related disorders like Alzheimer's disease.