National Rail为延误或取消的火车提供退款和补偿,通过延迟还款计划简化索偿手续。 National Rail provides refunds and compensation for delayed or canceled trains, simplifying claims through the Delay Repay scheme.
National Rail为延误或取消的火车提供退款及补偿。 National Rail offers refunds and compensation for delayed or canceled trains. 乘客如果因延误或取消而选择不旅行,可以免费获得退款。 Passengers can get a refund without fees if they choose not to travel due to a delay or cancellation. 对于延误,补偿因公司和延误时间长短而异。 For delays, compensation varies by company and delay length. 有些培训公司提供在线登记,以便今后更快地提出索赔。 Some train companies offer online registration for quicker future claims. 延迟还本付息计划简化了根据拖延时间提出的赔偿要求,大多数公司提供的赔偿超过最低赔偿。 The Delay Repay scheme simplifies compensation claims based on the delay duration, with most companies offering more than the minimum compensation.