中国提出了到2030年用智能技术加强城市基础设施的雄心勃勃的计划。 China outlines ambitious plans to enhance urban infrastructure with smart tech by 2030.
中国发布了一项准则,旨在到2027年和2030年推进新的城市基础设施,该准则经共产党和国务院批准。 China has released a guideline to boost new urban infrastructure by 2027 and 2030, approved by the Communist Party and State Council. 到2027年,目标是在建设具有抗灾能力的城市方面取得显著进展。 By 2027, the goal is to make significant progress in building resilient cities. 到2030年,该计划旨在取得显著成果,利用智能基础设施、智能车辆和安全的数据系统加强城市安全和效率。 By 2030, the plan aims to achieve remarkable results, enhancing urban safety and efficiency with intelligent infrastructure, smart vehicles, and secure data systems.