中国5月20日发布指导意见,到2027年推动智慧城市发展和城市数字化转型。 China unveiled a guideline on May 20 to promote smart city development and urban digital transformation by 2027.
中国5月20日发布《关于推进智慧城市和城市数字化转型发展的指导意见》,力争到2027年,城市数字化转型取得重大进展,建成宜居、有韧性、智慧的城市。 China unveiled a guideline on May 20 to promote the development of smart cities and urban digital transformation, aiming for significant progress in digital urban transformation by 2027, and the creation of livable, resilient, and smart cities. 《意见》旨在通过城市发展深化数字技术与经济、治理、生活的融合,协调技术进步和体制创新。 The guideline aims to deepen integration between digital technologies and the economy, governance, and life via urban development, and coordinate technical progress and institutional innovation.