中国计划到2024年进行大规模设备升级和消费品以旧换新,以刺激内需和经济增长。 China plans large-scale equipment upgrades and consumer goods trade-ins to boost domestic demand and economic growth by 2024.
中国正在推动大规模装备升级和消费品以旧换新,以扩大内需,支持2024年经济持续增长。 China is promoting large-scale equipment upgrades and trade-ins of consumer goods to boost domestic demand and support continuous economic growth in 2024. 国务院行动计划提出,到2027年,工业、农业、建筑、交通、教育、文化、旅游、医疗等领域投资比2023年增长至少25%。 The State Council's action plan aims to increase investment in industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, culture, tourism, and medical care by at least 25% by 2027 compared to 2023. 该计划还指出,到2027年报废汽车回收量将翻一番,二手车交易量增长45%。 The plan also states that the recycling volume of scrapped vehicles will double by 2027, with used car transactions increasing by 45%.