由于皮特·赫格塞斯 (Pete Hegseth) 的不当行为指控,特朗普考虑罗恩·德桑蒂斯 (Ron DeSantis) 担任国防部长一职。 Trump considers Ron DeSantis for Defense Secretary role due to Pete Hegseth's misconduct allegations.
特朗普正在考虑用佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)取代他备受争议的国防部长提名人皮特·赫格塞斯(Pete Hegseth)。 Trump is considering replacing his controversial defense secretary nominee, Pete Hegseth, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. 赫格塞斯面临性行为不端和财务管理不善的指控,导致几名共和党参议员质疑他的适合性。 Hegseth faces allegations of sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement, leading several Republican senators to question his suitability. 德桑蒂斯是前海军退伍军人,也是特朗普的政治盟友,已成为该职位的有力竞争者。 DeSantis, a former Navy veteran and Trump's political ally, has emerged as a strong contender for the role. 特朗普的决定是在人们对赫格塞斯获得参议院确认的能力日益担忧之际做出的。 Trump's decision comes amid growing concerns over Hegseth's ability to secure Senate confirmation.