全球粮食价格高达18个月,由植物油和牛肉的急剧上涨所驱动。 Global food prices reach 18-month high, driven by steep increases in vegetable oils and beef.
全球粮食价格在10月达到18个月的最高点,粮农组织报告说,由于植物油成本上涨24%,其粮食价格指数上升了2%。 Global food prices hit an 18-month high in October, with the FAO reporting a 2% increase in its Food Price Index, driven by a 24% surge in vegetable oil costs. 由于供应限制,棕榈油价格预计将进一步上涨,而美国干旱导致牛肉价格上涨。 Palm oil prices are expected to rise further due to supply constraints, and beef prices have increased due to U.S. droughts. 由于天气和疾病影响,糖、咖啡和可可市场也面临着更大的不确定性。 Sugar, coffee, and cocoa markets also face higher uncertainty due to weather and disease impacts.