中国自1961年以来最温暖的秋天,气温和降水量明显高于平均水平。 China logged its warmest autumn since 1961, with temperatures and precipitation notably higher than average.
中国报告了自1961年以来最温暖的秋天,温度高于平均水平1.5摄氏度,达到11.8摄氏度。 China reported its warmest autumn since 1961, with temperatures 1.5 degrees Celsius above average, reaching 11.8 degrees Celsius. 中部、东部、西南部和西北地区气温上升2-4摄氏度。 Central, eastern, southwest, and northwest regions saw temperatures 2-4 degrees Celsius higher. 国家气候中心还注意到降水量增加,台风引起的9场雷暴中有5场降水量增加。 The National Climate Center also noted higher precipitation and five out of nine thunderstorms linked to typhoons. 北京的目标是到2030年使碳排放量达到峰值,到2060年达到净零。 Beijing aims to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2060.