方案向全美和海外的军事人员和家庭分发圣诞树。 Programs distribute Christmas trees to military personnel and families across the U.S. and overseas.
军队的树木和类似方案正在向美国和海外的军事人员和家庭分发数千棵圣诞树。 Trees for Troops and similar programs are distributing thousands of Christmas trees to military personnel and families across the U.S. and overseas. 俄亥俄州的 Operation Evergreen 和纽约的 Ellms Farms 等项目正在收集和发送树木以及装饰品和装饰品,以在假期期间振奋精神。 Programs like Ohio's Operation Evergreen and Ellms Farms in New York are collecting and sending trees, along with ornaments and decorations, to lift spirits during the holidays. 这些举措有些持续了近三十年,涉及社区和学校的参与,以支持离家出走的部队。 These initiatives, some running for nearly three decades, involve community and school participation to support troops stationed away from home.