非营利组织“Buy a 树, Change a Life”出售Tulsa的圣诞树, 支持本地及巴拉圭的寄养儿童。 Non-profit "Buy a Tree, Change a Life" sells Christmas trees in Tulsa to support foster kids locally and in Paraguay.
全国性非营利组织“买一棵树,改变生活”在塔尔萨开设了第二年的林场,出售弗雷泽冷杉以支持塔尔萨的寄养儿童和巴拉圭的儿童。 National non-profit "Buy a Tree, Change a Life" has opened its tree farm in Tulsa for a second year, selling Frasier Firs to support foster kids in Tulsa and children in Paraguay. 收益帮助当地寄养儿童参加免费夏令营和参加辅导方案,同时帮助巴拉圭受忽视的儿童。 Proceeds help local foster children attend a free summer camp and join mentorship programs, while also aiding neglected children in Paraguay. 该农场位于基督教礼拜堂,出售其他物品,如装饰品和花圈,并额外捐赠10美元,为一个休息室秋千抽奖。 The farm, located at Christian Chapel, sells additional items like ornaments and wreaths and offers a raffle for a lounge swing with an extra $10 donation. 该网站的目标是在12月之前出售。 The site aims to sell out by December.