义工团体「Reindeer」向乌克兰战区附近的2 310名儿童赠送节日礼物。 Volunteering group "Reindeer" delivers holiday gifts to 2,310 children near Ukraine's war zones.
乌克兰边境非政府组织的"鹿"志愿者为生活在乌克兰战线附近的儿童带来节日快乐. The "Reindeer" volunteers from the NGO Ukrainian Frontiers are bringing holiday joy to children living near the war's frontlines in Ukraine. 今年,他们收集并回复了儿童发来的2 310封信,在冲突期间送礼物帮助他们庆祝。 This year, they collected and responded to 2,310 letters from children, delivering gifts to help them celebrate despite the conflict. 该倡议旨在为受战争蹂躏地区的脆弱儿童提供希望和积极经验。 The initiative aims to provide hope and positive experiences for vulnerable children in war-torn areas.