Spodak牙科小组向士兵天使捐赠了超过210磅的万圣节糖果,供军事人员使用。 Spodak Dental Group donates over 210 pounds of Halloween candy to Soldiers' Angels for military personnel.
Spodak牙科小组从当地儿童那里收集了超过210磅的万圣节糖果, 并捐给士兵天使, The Spodak Dental Group in Delray Beach, Florida, collected over 210 pounds of Halloween candy from local children and donated it to Soldiers' Angels for their "Treats for Troops" initiative. 这项活动使儿童和军事人员、支助已部署的军人、国民警卫队成员、预备役军人和退伍军人都受益。 This event benefits both the children and military personnel, supporting deployed service members, National Guard members, reservists, and veterans. 自2016年以来,该方案在全世界分发了超过594 970磅的糖果。 Since 2016, the program has distributed over 594,970 pounds of candy worldwide.