" 假日行动 " 帮助需要食物和礼物的家庭,帮助经济困难日益加剧的家庭。 Operation Holiday aids families in need with food and gifts amid rising economic hardships.
" 假日行动 " 是一项慈善举措,目的是在节日期间向有需要的人提供援助。 Operation Holiday is a charitable initiative aimed at providing assistance to those in need during the holiday season. 该方案侧重于通过提供食品、礼品和其他必需品,支助面临经济困难的家庭和个人。 The program focuses on supporting families and individuals facing financial hardships by providing food, gifts, and other essential items. 志愿人员和捐助者在确保那些不太幸运的人能够享受假期方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 Volunteers and donors play a crucial role in ensuring that those less fortunate can enjoy the holidays. 由于许多美国人面临的经济挑战,今年这项行动的需求有所增加。 The operation has seen an increase in demand this year due to economic challenges faced by many Americans.