中国专家在国际专题讨论会上强调和平解决海洋争端的作用。 Chinese experts highlight role in peaceful maritime dispute resolution at international symposium.
在北京专题讨论会上,专家们赞扬中国在解决国际海事争端和促进全球合作方面发挥的作用。 Experts at a Beijing symposium praised China's role in resolving international maritime disputes and promoting global cooperation. 来自30多个国家的200多名与会者讨论了根据国际法(包括《海洋法公约》)和平解决冲突的重要性。 Over 200 participants from more than 30 countries discussed the importance of peaceful conflict resolution under international law, including the UNCLOS. 这次活动突出了国际海洋法法庭的作用,并讨论了气候变化等挑战。 The event highlighted the role of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and addressed challenges like climate change.