在利雅得举行的联合国第16届缔约方会议到2030年寻求2.6万亿美元,以防治土地退化和荒漠化。 UN's COP16 in Riyadh seeks $2.6 trillion by 2030 to fight land degradation and desertification.
在利雅得举行的联合国第16次缔约方会议呼吁到2030年提供2.6万亿美元来防治土地退化和荒漠化,强调私营部门投资和国际合作。 The UN's COP16 conference in Riyadh calls for $2.6 trillion by 2030 to combat land degradation and desertification, emphasizing private sector investment and international cooperation. 该活动是联合国以土地为重点的最大型会议,强调可持续土地管理是应对气候变化、粮食安全和经济不平等的工具。 The event, the largest UN land-focused conference, highlights sustainable land management as a tool to address climate change, food security, and economic inequality. 它还发起了一些倡议,如利雅得全球抗旱能力伙伴关系和全球抗旱图集,以加强抗旱能力和追踪。 It also launched initiatives like the Riyadh Global Drought Resilience Partnership and the Global Drought Atlas to enhance drought resilience and tracking.