荒漠化威胁着全球粮食安全,在利雅得联合国重要首脑会议召开之前影响到32亿人。 Desertification threatens global food security, affecting 3.2 billion people, ahead of crucial UN summit in Riyadh.
荒漠化是一个因气候变化和人类活动而将生产性土地转变成沙漠般景观的过程,它威胁全球粮食安全,影响到32亿人。 Desertification, a process transforming productive land into desert-like landscapes due to climatic changes and human activities, threatens global food security and affects 3.2 billion people. 这一问题导致生物多样性丧失、失业和冲突,将恶化,到2050年,世界上多达四分之三的人口可能受到干旱的影响。 This issue, leading to biodiversity loss, unemployment, and conflict, is set to worsen, with up to three-quarters of the world's population potentially affected by drought by 2050. 全球领导人将于12月2日至13日在利雅得举行《荒漠化公约》缔约方会议第十六届会议首脑会议,以应对这些挑战并促进土地恢复和复原力。 Global leaders will meet in Riyadh from December 2-13 for the UNCCD COP 16 summit to address these challenges and promote land restoration and resilience.