联合国报告:到2030年扭转全球土地退化需要2.6万亿美元。 UN report: $2.6 trillion needed by 2030 to reverse global land degradation.
联合国警告说,扭转全球土地退化需要到2030年进行2.6万亿美元的投资,其中很大一部分来自私营部门。 The United Nations warns that reversing global land degradation requires a $2.6 trillion investment by 2030, with a significant portion coming from the private sector. 一份新报告强调了毁林、城市化和不可持续的耕作如何造成前所未有的土地退化,威胁到地球支持人类和环境福祉的能力。 A new report highlights how deforestation, urbanization, and unsustainable farming are causing unprecedented land degradation, threatening Earth's ability to support human and environmental well-being. 报告呼吁采取改革性行动,如农业改革、土壤保护和可持续供应链,以解决这一问题,同时强调在实施这些解决方案时的公平和正义。 The report calls for transformative actions like agriculture reform, soil protection, and sustainable supply chains to combat this issue, emphasizing fairness and justice in the implementation of these solutions.