联合王国的房价在11月每年上涨3.7%,平均达到268 144英镑,尽管费用高昂。 UK house prices rose 3.7% annually in November, reaching an average of £268,144, defying high costs.
联合王国房价在11月的近两年中增长最快,年增长率为3.7%,平均为268 144英镑。 UK house prices saw their fastest growth in nearly two years in November, rising 3.7% annually to an average of £268,144. 尽管成本高、利率高,但市场仍然具有弹性,抵押贷款批准率接近人口大流行前水平。 Despite high costs and interest rates, the market remains resilient, with mortgage approvals nearing pre-pandemic levels. 全国首席经济学家将此归因于劳动力市场条件和收入的提高,尽管有些专家怀疑市场的力量将持续下去。 Nationwide's chief economist attributes this to strong labor market conditions and income gains, though some experts doubt the market's strength will last.