超过100名罗辛亚难民, 其中多数为妇女和儿童, 在一次危险的海上航行后, Over 100 Rohingya refugees, mostly women and children, were rescued off Indonesia's coast after a perilous sea voyage.
超过100名罗辛亚难民(多数为妇女和儿童)在船几乎沉没后, 在印度尼西亚沿海获救。 More than 100 Rohingya refugees, mostly women and children, were rescued off the coast of Indonesia after their boat nearly sank. 罗辛亚人逃离缅甸的迫害, 往往冒着危险的海上航行风险前往更安全的国家。 The Rohingya, fleeing persecution in Myanmar, often risk dangerous sea voyages to reach safer countries. 所有乘客都幸存下来,尽管其中一人需要立即接受治疗。 All passengers survived, though one needed immediate medical treatment. 印度尼西亚不是《联合国难民公约》的签署国,收容他们的能力有限。 Indonesia, not a signatory to the UN refugee convention, has limited capacity to accommodate them.