北威尔士警方出于安全考虑, 要求司机将圣诞灯从车上取下。 North Wales Police asks driver to remove Christmas lights from car due to safety concerns.
北威尔士警方建议Wrexham的司机将圣诞灯从车上移走, North Wales Police advised a Wrexham driver to remove Christmas lights from their car, stating the decorations could be distracting and hazardous. 警察提倡在树木上保留节庆装饰,强调在享受节假日时安全。 The police promoted keeping festive decorations on trees instead, emphasizing safety while enjoying the holidays. 其他地区也发生了类似事件,警察警告说,这些灯光可能导致罚款或保险问题。 Similar incidents occurred in other areas, with police warning that such lights could lead to fines or insurance issues.