堪萨斯卡车司机指出,他们使用红色和蓝色的假日灯,模仿紧急车辆。 Kansas trucker cited for using red and blue holiday lights that mimic emergency vehicles.
一名堪萨斯州半卡车司机被指为其车辆上未经许可的假日照明,包括红灯和蓝灯,这类似于紧急车辆灯。 A Kansas semi-truck driver was cited for unauthorized holiday lighting on his vehicle, including red and blue lights, which can resemble emergency vehicle lights. 堪萨斯公路巡逻队引用司机的话说,防止混乱和潜在的事故。 The Kansas Highway Patrol cited the driver to prevent confusion and potential accidents. 当局建议在家里保留节庆装饰,以确保道路安全。 Authorities advise keeping festive decorations at home to ensure road safety.