在都柏林上传病毒后, 一辆VW车被数千个圣诞灯光遮盖, 引发了对合法性的辩论。 A VW car covered in thousands of Christmas lights sparked debate on legality after going viral in Dublin.
爱尔兰警方在都柏林发现一辆装饰着数千个圣诞灯光的大众汽车, A Volkswagen car decorated with thousands of Christmas lights was spotted by Irish police in Dublin, sparking online debate about the legality of such festive decorations. 超过120,000次观看。 The photo went viral, garnering over 120,000 views. 虽然有些人质疑它的合法性, 许多人赞美它为「大欢呼」, 并建议汽车参加慈善圣诞灯光活动。 While some questioned its legality, many praised it as a "great bit of cheer" and suggested the car join charity Christmas light events.