诺福克议会计划关闭1000个街灯, 以节省钱财, Norfolk council plans to turn off 1,000 street lights to save money, sparking safety concerns.
诺福克州议会计划再关闭1 000个街道灯,以降低成本和减少碳排放。 Norfolk County Council plans to turn off an additional 1,000 street lights to cut costs and reduce carbon emissions. 这项建议是削减4 500万英镑预算的一部分,引起了议员们的担忧,担心由于安全担心,它可能阻止步行和骑自行车。 This proposal, part of a £45 million budget cut, has sparked concerns from councillors that it could deter walking and cycling due to safety fears. 该理事会的目标是通过在工业区关闭132个灯光,节省20万英镑,公众咨询将开放至12月16日。 The council aims to save £200,000 by switching off 132 lights in industrial areas, and a public consultation is open until December 16.