奇尔科廷河滑坡发生后的危险警告检查站将被清除,表明危险减少。 Checkpoints warning of risks after a Chilcotin River landslide will be removed, signaling decreased danger.
在2024年7月31日沿着Farwell Canyon的Chilcotin河滑坡后,Cariboo地区紧急行动中心设立了信息检查站,向来访者发出持续风险警告。 Following a landslide on July 31, 2024, along the Chilcotin River in Farwell Canyon, the Cariboo Regional District Emergency Operations Centre set up information checkpoints to warn visitors about ongoing risks. 这些检查站由来自Tl ' esqox和Yuneitin的社区信息干事负责。 These checkpoints were staffed by community information officers from Tl’esqox and Yuneŝit’in. 截至11月29日,检查站将被撤除,表明风险已经减少。 As of November 29, the checkpoints will be removed, indicating that the risks have decreased.