澳大利亚承诺提供320万美元的援助,以帮助菲律宾从六起致命风暴中恢复过来。 Australia pledges $3.2M aid to help Philippines recover from six deadly storms.
澳大利亚认捐了500万澳元(320万美元)人道主义援助,以帮助菲律宾从10月至11月期间发生的六起毁灭性热带风暴中恢复过来。 Australia has pledged AUD 5 million (USD 3.2 million) in humanitarian aid to help the Philippines recover from six devastating tropical storms that hit between October and November. 风暴造成广泛的流离失所、破坏和数以百计的死亡。 The storms caused widespread displacement, damage, and hundreds of deaths. 援助将通过联合国、非政府组织和地方组织等伙伴,与地方当局协作,支持住房、粮食、保健服务和环境卫生。 The aid will support shelter, food, health services, and sanitation through partners like the United Nations, NGOs, and local organizations, in collaboration with local authorities.