澳大利亚向维多利亚州受严重林火影响的人提供财政援助。 Australia offers financial aid to those affected by severe bushfires in Victoria.
澳大利亚政府启动了灾后恢复津贴计划,为维多利亚地区Grampians地区受野火影响的工人和独家商人提供长达13周的收入支助。 The Australian government has activated the Disaster Recovery Allowance to provide up to 13 weeks of income support for workers and sole traders affected by bushfires in Victoria's Grampians region. 火灾至少摧毁了3所房屋,烧毁了76 000多公顷土地。 The fires have destroyed at least three homes and scorched over 76,000 hectares. 总理安东尼·阿尔巴内斯宣布提供财政援助,与其他州和联邦支助措施一起提供,因为林火继续威胁西澳大利亚部分地区。 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the financial aid, which is available alongside other state and federal support measures, as bushfires continue to threaten parts of Western Australia.