联邦-州资助援助昆士兰北部社区遭受毁灭性林火袭击。 Commonwealth-State funding aids Northern Queensland communities hit by devastating bushfires.
Flinders和Etheridge Shire受林火袭击的昆士兰北部社区将通过联邦州灾后恢复基金获得财政援助。 Northern Queensland communities in Flinders and Etheridge Shire hit by bushfires will receive financial aid through Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding. 这种援助是在影响托伦斯溪和福塞特的破坏性火灾之后提供的,为紧急修理、消防和重建努力提供资金。 This assistance follows devastating fires affecting Torrens Creek and Forsayth, providing funds for emergency repairs, firefighting, and rebuilding efforts. 昆士兰州灾后恢复部长Ann Leahy宣布了援助,表示支持受灾地区。 Queensland Minister for Disaster Recovery Ann Leahy announced the aid, expressing support for the affected areas.