4 东南亚国家在热带风暴Kristine之后援助菲律宾灾后恢复。 4 Southeast Asian nations aid Philippines in disaster recovery after Tropical Storm Kristine.
在热带风暴Kristine(Trami)造成破坏之后,四个东南亚国家新加坡、文莱、马来西亚和印度尼西亚正在协助菲律宾进行灾后恢复工作。 Following the devastation caused by Tropical Storm Kristine (Trami), four Southeast Asian nations—Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia—are assisting the Philippines with disaster recovery efforts. 新加坡正在部署一架C-130型飞机,向受影响地区运送人道主义援助,而马来西亚已派一架直升机提供后勤支助。 Singapore is deploying a C-130 aircraft to deliver humanitarian aid to affected areas, while Malaysia has sent a helicopter for logistics support. 风暴导致大量人员伤亡和流离失所,促进了救济工作的区域合作。 The storm has resulted in significant casualties and displacement, prompting regional cooperation in relief efforts.