澳大利亚向阿富汗人道主义基金认捐130万美元,这是自设立以来捐赠的7 500万美元的一部分。 Australia pledges $1.3m to Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund, part of $75m donated since inception.
正如联合国人道主义事务协调厅报告的那样,澳大利亚已向阿富汗人道主义基金认捐130万美元,用于在目前的危机中开展救济工作。 Australia has pledged $1.3 million to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund to aid relief efforts amid the ongoing crisis, as reported by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. 这笔捐款是自基金设立以来澳大利亚捐助的7 500多万美元的一部分。 This contribution is part of over $75 million Australia has donated since the fund's inception. 预计2024年的资金缺口为24.5亿美元,阿富汗2 370万人,包括1 230万儿童,将需要人道主义援助。 With a projected funding shortfall of $2.45 billion in 2024, 23.7 million people in Afghanistan, including 12.3 million children, will need humanitarian assistance.