伯克郡洪水淹没了伍德利和辛德沙姆的公路,随着泰晤士河的兴起警告沃格雷夫。 Floods in Berkshire close roads in Woodley and Sindlesham, with warnings for Wargrave as the Thames rises.
伯克郡部分地区的洪水导致伍德利和辛德沙姆的公路被关闭,泰晤士河预计将进一步上升,引发沃格拉夫的洪水警报。 Flooding in parts of Berkshire has led to road closures in Woodley and Sindlesham, with the River Thames expected to rise further, prompting flood warnings for Wargrave. 环境局正在通知Loddon车道地区和附近其他地区的居民。 The Environment Agency is notifying residents in the Loddon Drive area and other nearby regions. 尽管周末的雨量预期会增加,但预计整个星期和下周的其余时间,天气仍将干燥。 Despite additional rain expected over the weekend, the weather is forecast to remain dry through the rest of the week and next week.