联邦检察官以对总统豁免权的担忧为由,撤销了针对特朗普的两起案件。 Federal prosecutors dropped two cases against Trump, citing concerns over presidential immunity.
联邦检察官决定撤销针对前总统唐纳德·特朗普的两起刑事案件,涉及干预选举和保留机密文件。 Federal prosecutors have decided to drop two criminal cases against former President Donald Trump involving election interference and the retention of classified documents. 这一决定源于对特朗普可能重返总统宝座会阻碍起诉工作的担忧,因为在任总统通常不受联邦起诉。 The decision stems from concerns that Trump's potential return to the presidency would hinder prosecution efforts, as sitting presidents are typically immune from federal prosecution. 此举实际上暂时停止了这些法律诉讼。 This move effectively halts these legal actions for now.