法官撤销了在联邦干预选举案中对前总统特朗普的所有指控。 Judge drops all charges against former President Trump in a federal election interference case.
一名法官批准了检察官的请求,撤销在联邦选举干预案中对前总统唐纳德·特朗普的所有指控。 A judge has granted prosecutors' request to drop all charges against former President Donald Trump in a federal election interference case. 该决定是在他就职典礼前几周做出的,是在对证据进行审查之后做出的。 The decision comes weeks before his inauguration and follows a review of the evidence. 围绕此案的具体指控和细节尚未披露。 The specific charges and details surrounding the case have not been disclosed.