检察官撤销了针对特朗普的两起案件,理由是如果他重返总统宝座,将面临挑战。 Prosecutors dropped two cases against Trump, citing challenges if he returns to the presidency.
联邦检察官决定撤销针对前总统唐纳德·特朗普的两起刑事案件,理由是他可能重返白宫。 Federal prosecutors have decided to drop two criminal cases against former President Donald Trump, citing his potential return to the White House as a reason. 这些案件涉及干预选举和保留机密文件的指控。 The cases involved allegations of election interference and retaining classified documents. 检察官认为,如果特朗普要恢复总统任期,追究这些指控将很困难,因为起诉在任总统并不常见。 Prosecutors believe pursuing these charges would be difficult if Trump were to resume his presidency, as it is uncommon to prosecute sitting presidents.