四家德莫因医院的护士计划成立工会,以解决工资、医疗保险和人员配备问题。 Nurses at four Des Moines hospitals plan to unionize to address wages, health insurance, and staffing.
爱荷华州Des Moines四家团结点卫生医院的护士正计划在当地90队下组织工会,以解决工资、医疗保险和人员配置比率等问题。 Nurses at four UnityPoint Health hospitals in Des Moines, Iowa, are planning to unionize under Teamsters Local 90 to address issues like wages, health insurance, and staffing ratios. 护士旨在改善工作条件和患者护理。 The nurses aim to improve working conditions and patient care. UnityPoint Health-Dees Moines尊重护士选择代表权的权利,但更喜欢直接合作。 UnityPoint Health-Des Moines respects the nurses' right to choose representation but prefers direct collaboration. 计划举行集会,争取对工会化努力的支持。 A rally is planned to build support for the unionization effort.