在Bert和Conall暴风雨造成暴雨和洪水后,Sufffolk受到洪水警报的影响。 Flood alerts affect Suffolk after storms Bert and Conall caused heavy rainfall and flooding.
周二晚上暴雨后,Sufffolk部分地区发生水灾警报,影响低洼道路和河边社区。 Flood alerts are in effect for parts of Suffolk after heavy rainfall on Tuesday night, affecting low-lying roads and riverside communities. Deben河以及Rivers Lark和Finn河尤其面临风险。 The Deben river, and the Rivers Lark and Finn are particularly at risk. 东苏福克理事会预计星期三天气预报干燥后条件将得到改善。 East Suffolk Council expects conditions to improve with dry weather forecast for Wednesday. 随后是两次风暴,即Bert和Conall,这两次风暴在周末带来强风和大雨,造成洪水、事件取消和对Suffolk和Norfolk的破坏。 This follows two storms, Bert and Conall, which brought strong winds and heavy rain over the weekend, causing flooding, event cancellations, and damage in both Suffolk and Norfolk.