泰国的家庭债务增长了1.3%,不良个人贷款增至8.48%。 Thailand's household debt grows 1.3%, with non-performing personal loans rising to 8.48%.
泰国的家庭债务在2024年第二季度上升了1.3%,总计16.32万亿铢(约471.78亿美元),比上个季度的2.3%增长有所放缓。 Thailand's household debt rose 1.3% in the second quarter of 2024, totaling 16.32 trillion baht (about 471.78 billion USD), a slowdown from the previous quarter's 2.3% growth. 债务与国内总产值的比率下降到89.6%。 Debt-to-GDP ratio fell to 89.6%. 除个人贷款外,大多数债务类别都放缓或收缩,个人贷款的不良贷款增加到 1.16 万亿泰铢,占贷款总额的 8.48%。 Most debt categories slowed or contracted except personal loans, which saw a rise in non-performing loans to 1.16 trillion baht, or 8.48% of total loans. 这一趋势反映了高债务负担、低信用质量和银行更加严格的贷款标准。 The trend reflects high debt burdens, lower credit quality, and tighter lending standards by banks.