美国家庭债务达到18.04万亿美元创纪录,信用卡债务顶峰为1.21万亿美元。 U.S. household debt reaches $18.04 trillion record, with credit card debt peaking at $1.21 trillion.
据纽约联邦储备银行称,美国家庭债务创历史新高,达到18.04万亿美元,信用卡债务达到新高峰,达到1.21万亿美元。 Americans' household debt has hit a record high of $18.04 trillion, with credit card debt at a new peak of $1.21 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 由于汽车价格在大流行后上涨,自动贷款违约率也在上升。 Auto loan delinquency rates are also rising due to higher car prices post-pandemic. 尽管如此,总犯罪率仍然低于人口大流行前水平。 Despite this, aggregate delinquency rates remain below pre-pandemic levels.