菲律宾政府债务偿还额在11月上升65.3%,达到937亿菲律宾比索,创历史新高。 Philippine government debt payments rose 65.3% in November to P93.7 billion, hitting a record high.
菲律宾政府债务偿还率在2024年11月飙升65.3%, 达到937亿菲律宾比索, The Philippine government's debt payments surged by 65.3% in November 2024 to P93.7 billion, driven by higher interest rates and a weaker peso. 2024年头11个月的偿债总额达到1.95万亿比索,比2023年同期增加了27.34%。 Total debt payments for the first 11 months of 2024 reached P1.95 trillion, a 27.34% increase from the same period in 2023. 国民债务创下了16.09万亿比索的纪录。 The national debt hit a record P16.09 trillion. 利息和本金的提高大大促成了这些增加。 Higher interest and principal payments contributed significantly to these increases.