泰国银行报告,尽管家庭债务高企阻碍了增长,但流动资金过剩。 Bank of Thailand reports excess liquidity despite high household debts hampering growth.
泰国银行报告说,尽管中央银行没有收紧贷款规则,但泰国的银行系统有大量过剩的流动性。 The Bank of Thailand reports that the country's banking system has significant excess liquidity, despite the central bank not tightening lending rules. 助理州长Sakkapop Panyanukul指出,这是十年来一直存在的问题。 Assistant Governor Sakkapop Panyanukul noted this has been an ongoing issue for a decade. 然而,高家庭债务水平阻碍了经济增长,政府正在推动银行增加贷款,同时仍坚持负责任的借贷做法。 However, high household debt levels are hindering economic growth, and the government is pushing banks to increase lending while still adhering to responsible lending practices.