美国和日本计划在亚洲联合部署导弹,为潜在的台湾危机作准备。 U.S. and Japan plan joint missile deployments in Asia to prepare for potential Taiwan crisis.
据报道,日本和美国正在计划一项联合军事战略,为可能发生的涉及导弹部署的台湾紧急情况作准备。 Japan and the U.S. are reportedly planning a joint military strategy to prepare for a potential Taiwan emergency, involving missile deployments. 该计划定于下个月最后确定,其中包括驻扎在日本南西群岛和菲律宾的美国导弹部队。 The plan, set to be finalized next month, includes U.S. missile units being stationed in Japan's Nansei Islands and the Philippines. 配备 HIMARS 的美国海军陆战队沿海团将部署到南西群岛,而另一支专注于太空和网络行动的美国部队将驻扎在菲律宾。 The U.S. Marine Corps' Marine Littoral Regiment, equipped with HIMARS, will be deployed to the Nansei Islands, while another U.S. unit focused on space and cyber operations will be based in the Philippines. 尚未发表任何正式声明。 No official statements have been made yet.