美国和日本计划加强已有 60 年历史的安全条约,加强军事合作,并重组指挥部,以应对来自朝鲜和中国的威胁。 US and Japan plan to strengthen their 60-year-old security pact, enhance military cooperation, and restructure command in response to threats from North Korea and China.
美国和日本计划加强已有 60 年历史的安全条约,以应对来自朝鲜和中国日益增长的威胁。 US and Japan plan to strengthen their 60-year-old security pact in response to growing threats from North Korea and China. 两国将加强军事合作,包括讨论华盛顿东亚指挥结构的潜在变化。 Both nations will enhance their military cooperation, including discussions on a potential change to Washington's East Asia command structure. 美军计划加强其在日本的指挥总部,以改善与日本自卫队的合作,日本的目标是在 2025 年 3 月之前建立陆军、海上和空军联合司令部。 The US military plans to bolster its command headquarters in Japan to improve cooperation with Japan's Self-Defense Forces, and Japan aims to establish a joint headquarters for ground, maritime, and air forces by March 2025. 此次升级将有助于重组美国驻日本军事指挥部,以加强两国之间的作战规划和演习,两国都是亚洲的重要盟友。 The upgrades will help restructure the US military command in Japan to strengthen operational planning and exercises between the two countries, which are crucial allies in Asia.