在缔约方会议第二十九届会议上,一位气候大使敦促较富裕的国家为受气候变化影响的小岛屿国家提供资金。 At COP29, a climate ambassador urges wealthier nations to fund small island states hit by climate change.
在阿塞拜疆举行的缔约方会议第二十九届会议上,安提瓜和巴布达的气候大使Ruleta Camacho Thomas强调,迫切需要为受气候变化影响的小岛屿发展中国家提供财政支持并作出减排承诺。 At COP29 in Azerbaijan, Climate Ambassador Ruleta Camacho Thomas from Antigua and Barbuda highlighted the urgent need for financial support and emissions reduction commitments for small island developing states (SIDS) affected by climate change. ODI的一项研究警告这些国家,到2050年,由于气候影响,它们面临高达752亿美元的经济损失,而它们每年需要的资金只有20%得到资助。 A study by ODI warns these nations face up to $75.2 billion in economic losses by 2050 due to climate impacts, while only 20% of their annual needs have been funded. 领导人敦促较富裕的国家向损失和损害基金提供更多捐助,以帮助小岛屿发展中国家从极端天气中恢复过来,并建立复原力。 Leaders urge wealthier nations to contribute more to the loss and damage fund to help SIDS recover from extreme weather and build resilience.