参加联合国气候谈判的世界各国领导人匆忙商定在时间用完之前遏制全球变暖的措施。 World leaders at UN climate talks rush to agree on measures to curb global warming before time runs out.
联合国气候会谈的谈判者们正在赶时间,争取达成一项遏制全球变暖及其影响的协议。 Negotiators at the UN climate talks are racing against time to reach an agreement that curbs global warming and its impacts. 讨论旨在达成一项协议,帮助减少温室气体排放和减缓气候变化的影响。 The discussions aim to secure a deal that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. 随着时间的流逝,来自世界各地的代表正在努力就关键的环境问题找到共同点。 With the clock ticking, representatives from around the world are working to find common ground on crucial environmental issues.