包括大雨和大雪在内的恶劣天气威胁着美国数百万人的感恩节旅行。 Severe weather, including heavy rain and snow, threatens Thanksgiving travel for millions in the U.S.
美国目前正面临大雨和大雪,预计感恩节周将迎来另一轮恶劣天气。 The United States is currently facing heavy rain and snow, with another round of severe weather expected during Thanksgiving week. 这可能会对假期期间旅行的数百万美国人造成重大干扰。 This could lead to significant disruptions for the millions of Americans who travel during the holiday. 当局正在监测情况,以尽量减少对旅行的影响。 Authorities are monitoring the situation to minimize impact on travel.