在格拉斯哥港,有人被殴打和抢劫;警方寻求有关两名嫌疑人的信息。 Man assaulted and robbed in Port Glasgow; police seek information on two suspects.
星期六下午2时左右,一名56岁男子在格拉斯哥港Montgomerie街遭到袭击和抢劫。 A 56-year-old man was assaulted and robbed on Montgomerie Street in Port Glasgow around 2 p.m. on Saturday. 他被送往Inverclyde皇家医院,后来被释放。 He was taken to the Inverclyde Royal Hospital and later released. 警方正在寻找关于两名嫌犯的资料,这两名嫌犯被描述为20-30岁的白人男子,体积微薄;一名身穿灰色,另一名身着黑色。 Police are seeking information on two suspects, described as white men aged 20-30 with a slim build; one wore grey and the other black. Agnieszka Telford警探正在牵头进行调查,敦促任何有情报的人匿名与警方或犯罪制止者联系。 Detective Constable Agnieszka Telford is leading the investigation and urges anyone with information to contact the police or Crimestoppers anonymously.