在格拉斯哥警方追捕三名男子,一名38岁男子在一次谋杀未遂事件中受重伤。 Police in Glasgow hunt three men after a 38-year-old was seriously injured in an attempted murder.
12月13日下午7时30分左右, 格拉斯哥警方正在搜寻三名男子参与Auldhouse公园的一起谋杀未遂案。 Police in Glasgow are searching for three men involved in an attempted murder in Auldhouse Park on December 13 around 7:30 pm. 一名38岁的男子严重受伤并住院。 A 38-year-old man was seriously injured and hospitalized. 一名嫌疑人被看见骑着电子摩托车,据信他们都逃往里弗福德路。 One suspect was seen riding an e-scooter, and all are believed to have fled towards Riverford Road. 探长John Dowds敦促公众协助调查,并向任何知情者提供联系信息。 Detective Inspector John Dowds urges the public to assist in the investigation and provides contact information for anyone with information.