5月15日,格拉斯哥警方调查了一起抢劫和袭击事件,发布了5名嫌疑人的闭路电视图像,并寻找5月14日爱丁堡事件一名嫌疑人的信息。 15 May, police in Glasgow investigate a robbery and assault, release CCTV images of 5 suspects and seek info on a suspect from a 14 May incident in Edinburgh.
Glasgow警方正在调查5月15日下午8点15分发生在希望街和滑铁卢街附近的一起抢劫和袭击事件。 Police in Glasgow are investigating a robbery and assault that occurred on May 15 at 8:15 pm near Hope Street and Waterloo Street. 他们公布了5名据信参与其中的男子的闭路电视图像,并请求公共援助。 They released CCTV images of five men believed to be involved and are asking for public assistance. 此外,他们要求得到有关5月14日在爱丁堡一名抢劫嫌犯的资料,此人被称为一名有格拉斯哥口音的白人男子。 Additionally, they seek information on a robbery suspect from May 14 in Edinburgh, described as a white male with a Glasgow accent. 任何有信息的人可以通过101号电话联系苏格兰警察或匿名联系犯罪侦查人员0800 555 111. Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland at 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously at 0800 555 111.