阿富汗撤出的关键人物Christopher Donahue中将的晋升工作因参议院搁置而推迟。 Promotion of Lt. Gen. Christopher Donahue, key in Afghanistan withdrawal, delayed by Senate hold.
领导美国撤出阿富汗的克里斯托弗·多纳休中将,在参议院批准的军事晋升清单中遗漏了他的名字之后,他的四星将军晋升被推迟。 Lt. Gen. Christopher Donahue, who led the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, has had his promotion to four-star general delayed after his name was omitted from a list of military promotions approved by the Senate. 据报告,由于Donahue在阿富汗撤军中的作用,Markwayne Mullin参议员正在阻挠晋升。 Senator Markwayne Mullin is reportedly blocking the promotion due to Donahue's role in the Afghanistan withdrawal. 参议院休会至12月,推迟任何决议。 The Senate is on recess until December, delaying any resolution. 五角大楼已敦促参议院确认,并列举了对军事准备状态的影响。 The Pentagon has urged Senate confirmation, citing the impact on military readiness.