约翰尼·戴维斯中将晋升 被认可提升美国陆军招募成功 Lieutenant General Johnny Davis promoted, recognized for boosting U.S. Army recruitment success.
约翰尼·戴维斯少将 在肯塔基州诺克斯堡的仪式上 晋升为中将 Major General Johnny Davis was promoted to Lieutenant General at a ceremony at Fort Knox, Kentucky. 戴维斯(Davis)是美国陆军招募指挥部的领导,他监督了招募工作的重大改进,超过了2024财政年度的目标,距离2025年的目标已过半。 Davis, who leads the U.S. Army Recruiting Command, has overseen significant improvements in recruitment, exceeding the target for fiscal year 2024 and being halfway to the goal for 2025. 陆军参谋长赞扬戴维斯的领导才能,指出他有能力实现使命目标。 The Chief of Staff of the Army praised Davis' leadership, noting his ability to achieve mission goals. 随着这一晋升,戴维斯将继续牵头努力加强全国各地的征聘工作。 With this promotion, Davis will continue to lead efforts to enhance recruitment across the country.